Out of the Old Skool Into the New…Sort Of

keep-calm-out-with-the-old-and-in-with-the-new-3Picture credit:  http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-out-with-the-old-and-in-with-the-new-3.png

As of next Monday its new beginnings in an old comfortable environment.

Ok this has nothing to do with writing, or my writing, or writers in general, or anything writing.

Long story short…the company I’ve been working at for the last five years was bought out, I was fortunate to be accepted to the new company.  Sadly, some did not and it’s been breaking my heart.  We lost some really great people for no good reason.

The company I’ve been employed with for five years has been in business for one hundred years.  The new company has been in business for six. Not that there’s a difference considering the old company went down in flames and this company is thriving more by the day.  One thing I’ve noticed in meeting the people from the new company which puts a smile on my face – a lot of the Principals are young women.  They are a big proponent in Women Owned Business’s which I fully support.  I’m a little wary of my future still, but I feel confident that the normal misogynistic mentality of the old company is not tolerated at the new – fingers crossed.

So again, I embark on a new journey, but really I’m pretty much doing the same thing with the same people I’ve been doing for the past five years.

What an odd situation, you know?

On the writing front – I really need to find me a cheap editor, editing is really time-consuming and hard. Wah. If you know of anyone I’ll be happy to hear any suggestions!  I have three books that are drafted to completion – now I need the editing.

*shameless plug moment over*

Wish me luck all 20 of you in my bloggerverse, thanks for sticking with me and still reading my dribble.  You have no idea how appreciated it is!